NXT Systems

Use technology to have better control of your business.
NXT Systems is your ally.


Our goal is to collaborate with our customers to automate the operation of your business and can focus on growing your business with the support of our experience and knowledge in areas and processes.


Among our values we emphasize communication, commitment and good service to our customers. The ability of our team allows us to guarantee professional services as we have highly trained and certified people in various areas.


The company is located at Palmanova 2311-12, Las Aldabas, C.P. 32545, Ciudad Juárez, CH, México

Who is NXT Systems?

NXT Systems is a company that offers consulting services focused on providing business solutions through the use of information technologies.

NXT Systems offers a wide variety of solutions related to the collection and automatic data processing. Through the use of mobile devices and bar codes, it increases productivity and allows for better control of the operation.

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Technological solutions and more

NXT Systems offers a wide variety of solutions related to the collection and automatic data processing. Through the use of mobile devices and bar codes, it increases productivity and allows for better control of the operation.

Our solutions mainly use Internet platforms allowing the operation of your operation in real time. Our solutions are highly flexible and can be easily aligned to your business processes.

The commitment of NXT Systems is to guarantee the security of your data and provide reliability in the management of your system.

  • Integral Administration System
  • Integral System for Gyms
  • Electronic billing CFDI v3.3
  • Documentation Control
  • Presence on the Internet
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